Stephen Hawking:
"My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus."
From the quote, we can feel the optimism and the hopefulness from Stephen Hawking for his life. Therefore, the column at the middle symbolized his will, as the light radiates brightly through the column. However, as he got some disabilities, so there are some black line symbolized that.

Image 2 with texture:

Electroliquid Aggregation::
"If every individual matters, then every expectations should be reduced to zero. Everything since then has been a bonus when every individual has a role to play."

Image 3 with texture:

Jane Goodall: "Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference."
The stairs shows that every pieces are very important, we can't walk without any one of them. And this just like the meaning of Jane Goodall's Quote.
This area has different room oriented to different directions. this symbolised that the wide view of Jane Goodall.

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