
Matrix: I am trying to focus on the interconnection and the relations between the rooms. How one room is connecting to the other and how can we circulate from one room to the other.
Corridor: in the villa, we can interpret the corridor in to 2 main ways which can connect to the whole body of the building. These 2 main corridors serve as a tunnel, because as one travels through these 'tunnels', the destinations at the end [i.e. courtyards] appear much bigger in the person's perception. And this gives the sense of openness and freedom.



Massing: This diagram shows the mass distribution over the site, where the mass is shown by the density of lines. The higher the line density, the greater of mass that area takes.

Circulation: The circulation is quite 'symmetrical' and serves as a spiritual pathway. The other small pathways are also identified for Bawa to walk into the living areas without having to pass through the centre of the buildings. Secondary pathways into rooms were drafted into this diagram. Apart from that, I am also trying to show another idea of circulation. There are some curve lines with random pattern to show that apart from walking directly in the rooms and corridors, we can always explore different routes inside the villa which we can look around in the courtyard and take some rest.
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